Using RSS Feeds to Market a Poker Affiliate Program
RSS, otherwise known as "Really Simple Syndication" is a file format that is used by webmasters to syndicate content on the internet. As a poker affiliate, you can use the power of RSS to make your web content available to other webmasters instantly and doing so can be a tremendous source of traffic.
So what exactly is RSS? Basically RSS is a mini-database containing both headlines and descriptions of your articles. Also included is a hyperlink that allows readers to visit your site in order to read the article in full.
Over the last few years, RSS as become more and more popular and is now being used by a record number of webmasters to add fresh, updated content to websites. Tapping into the powerful world of RSS is quick and the easiest way to do so is through the use of blogs.
Blog software platforms come with built in RSS feeds that will automatically update when you've added new content to your site.
Once you have and RSS feed, readers will be able to simply plug your feed URL into an RSS reader or aggregator which will be updated automatically when you add new content to your site. RSS readers simply hold a collection of feeds that the user enters in. There are 3 types of RSS feed aggregators:
· Desktop RSS readers - Desktop RSS readers are simply applications that run on an individual's computer. They run in the background and update automatically whenever new information is published.
· Web based aggregators - Online aggregators are server side and allow users to login and monitor their RSS feeds from any computer.
· Plug-in aggregators/readers - Browser plugins allow feeds to be read from inside an existing program.
As a poker affiliate, RSS will aid your marketing efforts in the following areas:
· E-mail marketing
· Search engine marketing (SEO)
· Blogging
· Advertising
· Public relations (PR)
· Branding
I urge you to add RSS to your mix of poker affiliate promotion tools today. It is an easy and sure-fire way to boost traffic and generate additional real money sign ups. Happy marketing!
About the Author :- Learn how to become a super poker affiliate by promoting the best poker affiliate programs at